About Us

West African Alcohol Policy Alliance (WAAPA)

The West African Alcohol Policy Alliance (WAAPA) is a coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and public health professionals with the goal of advocating and assisting in the development, implementation and enforcement evidence-based alcohol policies, programmes and legislations in West Africa.

WAAPA is involved in the monitoring and sharing of information on alcohol and alcohol related issues among its member organizations, development and international partners.

WAAPA is currently operating in Nigeria, Liberia, Senegal, Sierra Leone. Ghana, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso and Benin.


We ENVISION healthy nations free from Alcohol related harm and an empowered population.


Coordinating, sharing and supporting members working on alcohol control and prevention to influence governance, policies, legislations and programmes in West Africa and beyond.

Core Values

Public health, Collective action, Accountability, Autonomy, Gender, Diversity and Development

  1. To promote and facilitate information sharing on alcohol and alcohol related issues;
  2. To initiate, facilitate and conduct research on alcohol prevention, policies and programmes;
  3. To strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations and public health professionals involved in alcohol policies and programmes;
  4. To encourage, support and strengthen partnerships between member organizations and governments on the implementation of alcohol policies and programmes;
  5. To promote and advocate for national, regional and continental policies, programmes and regulatory frameworks on alcohol and alcohol related issues and;
  6. To mobilize and facilitate access to financial, human and technical assistance and resources required for the development, implementation and evaluation of alcohol policies and programmes.
  7. To collaborate with regional and international Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs) on alcohol policies and programmes.